Monday, December 19, 2011

this and that

2011 life in legos. Love the levity this brings to such serious subjects. Is it wrong to wish for a lego propaganda portrait of Kim Jong-il?
Oh how I covet this piglet.

Of course this deserves its own word. Ha!
Bakku-shan (Japanese): The experience of seeing a woman who appears pretty from behind but not from the front.

I think the right response to this is cringing and laughing simultaneously. PeopleAreStupid

Another amazing interactive video from Arcade Fire. Overachievers.

KLM wants you to pick your seatmate based on their Facebook profile. And you thought sitting next to a stranger for four hours was awkward before! LATimesTravel

I think I'm officially a grammar nerd because I really like this. Also, I caught myself correcting my mom's conjugation twice this weekend. That's probably not nearly as endearing as I'd like to think it is.

Sigh. Michael Kors is the perfect balance of classic and fierce. Check out the super sexy back view here.
My favorite time of day is to get up and eat leftovers from dinner, especially spicy food.
David Byrne